I would like to share to you the readings that i had tonight in my "IN HIS STEPS reflections",.
This is the first time, I was teary eyed,. I was merely TOUCHED. That each word that i read, drag me to reflect,.
Yes this Reflection is perfectly right. It is better to LOVE that to be RIGHT.
Here it goes:
Sometimes we tend to forget what and whose laws we follow.
Sometimes, we tend to press more on following the pre-set traditions and dictates of the world than that of the true essential to us-
following and living the Word of God.
Christ has pointed out directly to the Pharasees their underlying deeds of professing the dictates of the WORLD
and tradition but outright neglect of the teaching of GOD. Christ wants us to be LOVE, personified. HE wants us to be a walking and "MODERN" Christ.
It is with us, the true believers and followers, where real compassion should flow out, where real hope should stem out and real love bring over.
MOther Theresa once said, "TRUE love is LOVE, only when you give and love until it hurts.
Faith contained only in quiet and reflective times are just passive deeds. It should be translated into action.
It comes in real and tangible connection to people whom God wants us to serve and love.
It is the love does not live in contrite and strict, heavy-laden kind of legalism. The Lord does not want us to be confused with so many laws.
He laid it out very simply for us, "LOVE your God above all else and love your NEIGHBORS as you love YOURSELF,"
* God provide us everything,. God love us,. everyone,. and yet the golden rule HE wants from us,. sometimes, or even oftentimes, FORGOTTEN.
I can say,. Im a prisoner,.
because I oftentimes forget this Golden rule.
Can you give me not a life Sentence,. nor even a death raw,.
But a chance,. always a chance,.
to CHANGE and follow you,. to be UPRIGHT and MODERN you.
i know it would take time... but please bear with me...
thank you.salamat.shukran.ghumsanida.shishi.
1:17 AM 2/9/2011
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